Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Walk Cycle improvements

So I had a look at my walk cycles with fresh eyes and have decided to try and improve on them, i will go through them one by one and either make suggestions on what can be improved or actually carry through what I want to improve. 
I think this cycle needs to be repeated to that the video can be looped and make it easier to view

moving on to the infamous tattie ballet, I think during the Christmas holidays I got rather bored and decided to add some music to my video. 
...........the credits last longer than the actual animation......I just really liked this song.......... haha

Dance of the Tattie from amy bruning on Vimeo.

I got feedback saying that this walk cycle could do with a bit more weight and looking at it now I agree. I think I got over excited and thought about all the things I wanted the potatoe to do rather than thinking of what the poor wee tattie was actually capable of. I attempted myself to do everything that he did and it is rather hard if not impossible.
If you look at the video I reference from, the dance takes a pause when he lands from jumping and his knees bend more to take the impact of the landing where as mine instantly lands with no effort and moves into another dance immediately. Also alot of the dancers take smaller jumps to build up into the larger jump. they need to build up strength and momento to get the height they want. My character seems to float into his position and doesn't seem to be making any effort.

I would like to redo this but I'm not sure I would have the time to do so effectively, plus I would like to save some time to review other projects aswell. What I thought I would do instead would be to take each key dance movement and dissect it to show how I think it should have been done and how it would look more effective with sketches rather than animation and if I feel I have the time I can go back and animate based on the ground work I've made.

So first movement is the landing in from a rather large jump. I think possibly this jump may be to large but maybe I can be slightly unrealistic since its a dancing tattie. The main issue with this section is that he has little to no impact when he hits the ground, a jump from that height would mean that he would probably bend his legs and take a fairly long pause to recover from this. also from looking at videos it seems to be very hard to keep the legs apart at such a wide angle, usually on landing the legs close and fall down very quickly, the front leg going straight down and the backleg staying a bit higher but then coming down rapidly as the front leg bends. If that all seems like jargon heres a sketch to possibly show what I mean better.

So for the next movement he jumps up and flutters his legs. This movement needs alot of power and momento. when I see the dancers doing this they either run into it or the do several small jumps into the movement. In the film he jumps sideways and flutters his legs. In order to do this he would have to take a rather big leap to the side and then jump again on one foot while kicking the other in the air to gain more height, he then can flutter his legs. Again my character jumps into the position very effortlessly and stays in the air too long, he seems to fly rather than jump. if we were to flutter straight up and down he would take several jumps and then a larger higher jump while fluttering the legs. Also the landing again does not have enough weight and the way the leg positions change would not be possible while in the air. His legs need to bend to the impact again and he needs to pause for recovery. 

After the flutter the landing impact would be similar to the previous one. 

I think the pirouette may just need to be sped up to look more effective but then the jump off needs more power and momento again. i think it could be similar to the flutter except he would just jump off screen faster instead of remaining in the air. 

Also as for the sexy tattie walk, I think what its wearing makes it seem sexy but its walk isn't really that of a seducer. after watching a few series of Rupauls Drag race I managed to figure out a walk that I thought would be alot more fitting.
I think when the legs cross over one another the walk is much more seductive and suggestive. because when the legs cross over one another it make the hips move more and accentuates them.

As for my stop - motion I think my rigging wasn't really the best and I couldn't quite stick the character onto the board as well as I'd like to. I think the movement isn't that convincing and the arm movements are pretty bad.

(I was actually going to redo this scene but unfortunately I ran out of time. My plan was to focus to improve the arm movements. I would go in with a set of key frames and basically move the character into each position while animating so I could hopefully get a more fluid movement)

it is quite clunky and clumsy which would be fine if that was what I was going for, but it wasn't so this wasn't very successful. 
I didn't quite manage to completely change everything, Ideally I would have like to have a whole set of new films but I'd like to leave time to improve other projects aswell.

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