Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Its been a while

So I haven't really posted in this in quite a while so I guess Ill do a recap, bare with me this might be a bit of a long post!
At the start of September I had my 5th film screening on the North Glasgow Arts Trail, it featured a few of my older films and my most recent personal film "The Dream". Also 2 people I go to university with, Carwyn and Toby helped me to invigilate the event, we even screened some of Tobys films. Unfortunately the event was a bit of a dud and we struggled to get many people through the door but I guess Ill just take it as a learning curve. Next time I have a screening I will try and do a whole lot more publicity!


I also finally started art school! Its actually better than I imagined it would be, its great to feel excited to get up in every morning and go.
The first project we did was based on finding a street in Edinburgh and animating a story behind it. My team chose the Grassmarket. To be honest we didn't really have the best outcome but I loved the people I was working with and had a great laugh, so it was a winner in that sense!

(My scene is the waiter falling)

The second collaboration project I did was with Film and TV and Performance Costume. The people I was working with were incredibly professional, which I found rather daunting at times but it was an amazing learning experience and sometimes I felt like I was on a real life movie set! the brief was to create a film based on the human body. This is what we came up with. Not to sound arrogant but I am incredibly proud of this!

Right now I'm working on the Bouncing ball project but I think I'll make another post on that later on. I'm really enjoying myself though, definitely chose the right course!

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